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A typically great night out lined up to celebrate the re-opening of doors at The Deco

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Typically Tina

Live entertainment will return to The Deco with a socially-distanced celebration of Tina Turner after the Covid-19 lockdown.

We’re re-opening with ‘Typically Tina’, an awesome tribute show, on Friday, September 11th. And we cannot wait to get back to putting on shows.

Seats will be removed or covered over to make sure everyone stays apart, and we are very much looking forward to doing what we love again: putting on great entertainment.

Said House Manager Jill Roach: “We thought we would run with the Tina Turner show as the production company wanted were keen to do it, and and it’ll be a nice test for us to see if it goes to plan with our one-way system and the other facilities we’re putting in.

“Obviously things could change, but as we start to emerge out out of lockdown we decided we would put a stake in the ground and say, ‘we’re going to reopen the doors’ – even if it’s just serving ice cream – on September 1st, then have the concert on the 11th.”

The Tina Turner tribute concert, by performer Karin Bello, was meant to be on May 15, but like every other show at every other venue, was postponed by the outbreak of the Covid-19 crisis.

“Everyone will have their temperature checked on arrival, there will be a one-way system around the venue, spaced out seating to maintain a two-metre buffer between groups, and staff will be wearing PPE,” said Jill.

“I hope we can get back to some sort of normality – I think people have it engrained in them to social distance and that’s the way to go for the foreseeable future.”

“I can’t wait to get it open again,” she said. “It was so exciting to relaunch last Christmas, and now we need to get people’s confidence back, but so many people have been extremely supportive towards us, and we’ve lots of fantastic entertainment lined-up way into next year.”

Tickets for Typically Tina are £18.50, with a £5 discount available with code FIRST. For more information, visit


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